Lifeboat engines with power from 15 to 420 kilowatts

We supply engines for lifeboats, tenders and fast rescue boats in Norway and the rest of the world. We have developed the engines in collaboration with the world's largest engine manufacturers, and built them ourselves at our facility in Bergen since 1925.

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Our lifeboat engine series

  • Sabb Lister has outputs from 15 to 40 kilowatts (20 to 55 hp).
  • Sabb K has outputs of 26, 29, 43, 51 and 63 kilowatts (35, 40, 59, 70 and 85 hp). It is possible to adjust the output, within certain limits, or to rebuild them to withstand minus 30 degrees.
  • Sabb FTP Iveco has outputs from 63 to 420 kilowatts (85 to 570 hp). The engines are available with both mechanical injection and common rail electrical control systems. All engines can be supplied with either traditional heat exchanger cooling or pipe cooling.

    What they all have in common is that they have high performance despite their low weight and compact design, are quiet, have low emissions and can withstand harsh conditions.

Quality tested and certified

Our engines are certified by DNV and meet the requirements of the International Convention of Safety at Sea (SOLAS) and the International Maritime Organization (IMO). They have passed tests for starting at minus 15 to minus 30 degrees Celsius, and in some configurations 360 degrees rotation, as well as running in water up to the center of the crankshaft.

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